Thursday, April 17, 2008

Labels: churches

Labels: churches
We had a wonderful healing seminar in Szczecin. About 40 people came for the two days to learn about how to pray for the sick. There were 7 teaching sessions similar to as in Koło and a practical time for the participants to pray and minister to others. For many this was their first time to pray for the sick. God confirmed His Word and a number of people gave testimonies of how they were healed. Others shared about receiving a word from the Lord regarding a specific situation. Praise God for all that He done there.
Labels: churches
Pastor Andrzej is both the pastor of the church in Kielce and the superintendent of the Churches of Christian Faith in Poland where I served as vice-superintendent for 5 years. I felt led to speak on the mission & ministry of Jesus and how we are now to take over both His mission & ministry to teach, preach the Kingdom of God and heal the sick. There was an alter call and one 8 year old boy gave his life to the Lord. About 30 people re-dedicated their lives to the Lord. I also prayed for the sick along with the elders of the church. About 25 people requested prayer and God was touching people. A number of prophetic words and words of knowledge were given. A number of people were crying and some I believe were really changed.
Labels: churches
I have been invited to the capitol of Moldovia to minister for one week in a small very poor church there. It is very much in my heart to go. It is one of the poorest countries in Eastern Europe, with most people living on less than $100 / month. If it is the Lord’s will, please pray for the necessary paperwork with visas and transportation. Flights are very expensive. It is a 2 day train ride one way, and also a 2 day drive by car which can be more difficult with long lines at the borders and corrupted border guards. My friend Wojciech Borys organizes financial and food aid to the churches there.
Labels: Moldovia
In Greblin there is no church, but there is a group of almost 10 people that meet in a small apartment. The wife of the man who leads the group was healed of very serious heart problems 10 years ago through believing the prophetic word that I had given to her in the hospital many years ago. They are the only believers in this village which is about 1.5 hours from our home.
Labels: churches
Pastor Jurek’s recovery is going much slower than expected. Although the sickness has regressed and there are no signs of it, Jurek is still very weak. He still has a breathing tube. Although he can breathe for 6-8 hours on his own, his lungs are still not strong enough to be completely free from the respirator. His therapist comes every day to work with him. The 2 most important matters now are for Jurek to be determined in exercise and rehabilitation and to overcome fear connected with the removal of the breathing tube. Please keep praying for a complete recovery.
Labels: Pastor Jurek
The court has decided that Klaudia will live with her older sister who has found a steady job. The city of Gdynia also gave them a 2 room apartment to live in, and they will be moving in a few months after it is remodeled. The apartment is right next to the church where we are attending. Praise God that this difficult situation has a good ending. Pray for a greater openness for them both to receive the Lord.
Labels: klaudia

Labels: family
Since the need was made know that 75 supporters are needed who would pledge a $22/month, 13 people now have made such a commitment. We still need 62 people who would be willing to support our mission work in Poland. This is not a large sum for most people, but without your help we are very limited in what we can do. If you are not supporting a missionary, please consider supporting our work. We would really appreciate it, and by doing so you become a partner with us in the work that we are doing in Poland.
Labels: finances
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