Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christ for the Nations Bible School

The new school year started the last week of September. There are 7 new students in the first year, and 7 in the second year studies. Because of a lack of operating finances, it was decided to join both years together, instead of having separate classes. This means students coming in this year will go through the same program as the second year students, and then the following year they will go through the courses usually given in the first year.
This was a difficult decision for the school, but with such a low number of students, and inadequate financing, there was no other choice.
If you or someone you know wants to attend a Bible school, why not attend in a foreign nation? Aside from Biblical training, you will have contact with a different culture, people and experience things you never would at home. Even if you are past the ‘collage age’. We have had students who were over 60 years old and still wanted to learn and grow in the Lord.
Are you thinking about missions? Joining the Bible school is the ideal situation to become acquainted with missions. The students go on 1-2 foreign mission trips each year, and lot of trips around Poland, ministering in churches. It’s the ideal place to learn about missions, be on the field and yet be in a learning environment that is safe.
Call or write me and I’ll answer any questions you have, or visit the web site at www.chdn.org
Starting in January I will be teaching a course on foundational Christian doctrines two hours daily.

Mission and teaching trip to Israel

The Bible school is planning a 10 day mission and teaching trip to Israel in the beginning of next year. I would like to take the students to the places that I teach about in the school. Classes would be held on location in addition to ministry times in local settings. The school has a number of contacts and details are starting to be arranged. I have never been to Israel before, so it will also be for me a new experience.
Every student and teacher will need to raise his own funds to go. Both Renata and myself would like to go, so please keep us in prayer that if it is the Lord’s will, that we would be able to raise enough finances. Right now we estimate that the cost will be about $1300 per person. If you wanted to help us, a gift of any size would be greatly appreciated.

Donate your car

Do you have a car you no longer need? Donate it for mission work in Poland. Through a friend there exists the possibility to transport up to 3 cars to Poland from the USA, and not pay any import taxes. Our family is in need of another car and also cars are needed for the personal of the Bible school. If you are planning on buying a new car, consider donating your old one for service on the mission field.

New discipleship group in Gdynia

Next week we will be starting a discipleship group in our home. We will be inviting friends that don’t attend any church but are open to learning about God. At this point in their lives, they may not walk into a church, but would be open and even eager to attend meetings in our home. A home atmosphere lends itself to honest discussion and the opportunity to answer questions and pray for people’s needs, learn about God and make friendships. The group will consist of some people who have recently made decisions to follow God and people who are ‘seekers’.

Translation of TV programs

I’m continuing to translate into English the Polish television program “Everything is Possible”. The programs are being transmitted on some cables stations in the USA. The last program I translated was about a Polish gangster who met Jesus while in prison. His life was radically changed and he left prison. Now he runs his own company where he has created an environment for sharing the gospel.

Asia Dean

At the end of August, Asia started having some strange problems with making a burping and hiccups at the same time. These attacks are daily, sometimes lasting for hours. She was in the hospital for a few days to find the source of the problems. After a number of tests it turns out that she has a hernia in her esophagus. We are scheduled to see a specialist in December, but until then she still is plagued with such attacks. Please pray with us for her that the hernia would go away in Jesus’ name.

Karolina Dean

Thank you for praying for Karolina’s headaches. She had headaches daily for close to a year but they are gone now. Praise God! In other news, she applied to an art school here in Gdynia. It’s the only such school here in the area. She had to pass practical exams of painting, drawing and sculpture. She came in second place in the list of results for the entire region! She enjoys her new school. In addition to all the regular classes such as history, biology, science, Polish, English and French, she has a lot of extra artistic classes.

Pastor Jurek update – good news!

Pastor Jurek has completed treatment for Lyme disease, (borreliosis). Recent tests show that he is now free from the disease. Although the disease is now gone, since it was not treated for many years, it has destroyed the muscles in his body. The doctors here have never treated anyone in such a state and they are not sure to what degree he may regain use of his body. Jurek has physical therapy daily and is in good share mentally and spiritually, communicating through the use of a written alphabet that when a person points to a letter he blinks his eyes to form words and sentences. Please continue to pray for his complete recovery.
Next weekend I will be in Szczecin preaching in his church on the topic of revealing false teachers and teaching.