This summer I had an occasion to spend a little time with pastor Krzysztof from Konin. He pastors a very small church of 10 people in a city of around 60,000 people. He has a pastor’s heart, but goes through the many struggles that typical Polish pastors have who care for such a small flock – very little finances, lack of helpers, opposition from the outside. In spite of the difficulties the Lord put on his heart to help another pastor start a new church. It is in a city an hour away from both of them where no church exists. The city is called Turek with about 30,000 people. Just imagine, this is just one of hundred of such cities of this size where no church exists. I was asked to go there with him. Five believers have been meeting in a rented hall for some time and day I was there a guest came. I was sharing on the cost of following Jesus. The man’s heart was moved and he indicated that he wanted to become a Christian. We prayer together for forgiveness and salvation. What a joy! Pastor Krzysztof has invited me back to minister in Turek and Konin.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Church in Kolo
I was asked to minister in the church in Koło. I haven’t been there for many years, but in the past ministered there quite regularly. Pastor Julian asked me to share on the person of the Holy Spirit and pray for people who would like to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It was a wonderful time. One woman came up to me afterwards and testified that she was in the church 10 years ago as a guest and gave her heart to the Lord when I had been there and gave an alter call. From that moment she joined the church and has grown into a very mature sister. Pastor Julian has invited me to return in a few months for a longer period of time to minister in his church and the 2 other churches that he oversees. Here is a picture of their church.
Labels: churches
Dean Family News
Karolina is now in the 6th grade and is doing well. Asia starts 4th grade in a new school together with Gosia who is starting 1st grade. Our decision to put our 2 youngest daughters in a new school appears to be a good decision. Almost everyday each one goes to school at a different time and gets out at a different time. This really is inconvenient, as the two youngest ones need to be driven and picked up from school.
Labels: family
Other news - latest mission trips
- I have a number of invitations next year to minister in Koło, Konin, Turek, Gniezno, Szczecin, Pyrzyce, Strzelce Opolski and Gdynia. Please pray for the Lord’s leading in each of these cities.
- The school year at Christ for the Nations has started with 15 students in the first year, and 12 in the Saturday school, as well as the 2nd year students. At the moment I am teaching in the Saturday school 4 lectures every Saturday. Renata continues to work in the office 4 days a week.
- After hearing of a certain pastor that had been accused falsely of a number of terrible things and was asked to step down from pastoring the church I decided to visit him in order to encourage him in his faith and pray for the Lord to bring justice. He was very blessed that I visited and spent time with him (he is 6 hours from where I live). A few weeks later the Lord justified him and the accusations were proved false. He has now returned to his church as pastor.
- This week I will be preparing some people for baptism in Gdynia.
Labels: mission trip
Christian internet radio in Poland
In Poland because of the very heavy influence of the Catholic church, evangelical churches are not granted any licenses for programs on TV. This is in spite of battles for many years to purchase air time. A few churches, like pastor Godawa’s church, have invested in all the necessary equipment and built a studio but can not broadcast. They can only rent time on the local city’s cable channel. There is also no nation wide Christian radio that is available. This can change though through prayer.
Coming up next month are elections and if the PO party (which is not heavily tied to the Catholic Church) wins the majority of seats in the house things could change. In the meantime Christians here have turned to an area that the government does not control yet – the internet. A few internet radio stations have been started recently. Logging on to the internet you can hear Christian music and teaching. Two of the most popular radio stations asked me if they can broadcast my teachings. So now every week all over the entire nation with no limitations the Word of God is going out. I never thought that I would ever be on nationwide radio. Other people need to pay to get their sermons broadcast but I don’t need to pay! You can also listen anywhere in the world by typing the web addresses:
Coming up next month are elections and if the PO party (which is not heavily tied to the Catholic Church) wins the majority of seats in the house things could change. In the meantime Christians here have turned to an area that the government does not control yet – the internet. A few internet radio stations have been started recently. Logging on to the internet you can hear Christian music and teaching. Two of the most popular radio stations asked me if they can broadcast my teachings. So now every week all over the entire nation with no limitations the Word of God is going out. I never thought that I would ever be on nationwide radio. Other people need to pay to get their sermons broadcast but I don’t need to pay! You can also listen anywhere in the world by typing the web addresses: and clicking on button 1,2,3 or 4, or at and click on play.
Christian music (Polish & English) is played between teachings. You might even hear me preach in English with Polish translation.
Labels: radio
Evangelism Crusade in Świnoujście
My second road trip with Mission Music took me to the port city of Świnoujście. The 3 churches there organize every summer a Christian Culture Week that lasts 10 days. We were there for three days. The city gave for free the use of the concert shell on the main boardwalk. About 250 people were seated for the concert, and another 100 in the café’s surrounding area listened every evening to the gospel. On the grounds were also set up 3 tents, one of them seating about 200 people. One evening I called people forward that had various sicknesses for prayer. One women was crying from the pain she had in her back and shoulder. She was healed instantly and to prove it stretched and repeatedly touched here toes. Her tears of pain turned to tears of joy! A few other people were touched as God did a work in their life.
The day before we left Pastor Gabriel called at 11:30 pm and asked if I can go with him to a brother who is very sick and in pain. It turns out that for many years he suffers from back injuries. He just returned from the hospital the day before and was scheduled the following week for another operation. He could barely walk or move. The power of God was present. As we prayed sweat rolled down his forehead and I knew God was healing him. He turned to the left and right, bent over backwards and then forwards with very little pain. I felt that God would heal him more as he steps out in faith and ministers to others. His wife then asked for prayer for two very large growths on her side about 4 inches long and protruding about 1 inch.
Later after talking with pastor Gabriel he reported that the tumors are reducing in size, and that the brother instead of going for an operation got in his car and traveled to a few nearby cites to testify to others and encouraged them to evangelize their towns! Praise God!
Labels: evangelism
On the road with Mission Music
A long time friend Jurek Dajuk who is the lead singer for “Mission Music” asked me if I would join him on 2 rode trips. Mission Music is a group of professional musicians. Most of them play in various symphony orchestras around Poland. They put on evangelistic concerts in Poland and even Europe. Depending on the need, the team ranges from 2 people (Jurek and his wife Gosia) to a group of 50 musicians.
Our first stop was the county of Kaliska (a group of 6 villages) which organized a 2 day fair. Jurek arranged for the villagers to attend 2 days of choir training to sing together with him his gospel program. There were so many very good things happening there that I don’t have space here to write about them all. In nutshell, about 40 people attending the choir practice (where aside from practicing songs they heard the gospel and spent 8 hours with the team), they sang gospel songs with us, other choirs also sang gospel, and we gave the main performance each evening.
Even though there is no church in the Kaliska region they are so open that if a missionary came to start a church, he would have open doors everywhere and the blessing of Anatol who would also help. Please pray for the Lord to raise someone up to plant a church in this area and for Anatol to stay close to the Lord although he has no church where he could attend.
Labels: evangelism
Update on pastor Jurek
Since I last wrote Pastor Jurek’s heath has rapidly decreased. He lost a lot of weight, almost every muscle in his body disappeared and he lost control over his entire body. The only thing he could move was his his eyelids. He lost control over the basic functions of his body requiring the insertion of a feeding tube, urinary tube, etc. In June he was in the hospital for observation when his heart suddenly stopped beating. The doctors reanimated him but he did not regain conciseness. They told his wife Alina that he most likely won’t wake up and may not survive the night. She called me that evening and I drove through the night to get to Szczecin in the morning. To the doctor’s surprise he awoke. Since the breathing tube that they placed down his throat was causing a lot of difficulty, they decided to do a tracheotomy and attach him to a respirator. There was a probability that he would not survive the operation in his very weak state.
Three days later they performed the operation and two hours later he woke up. As I prayed for him later that day I felt such a presence and power of God in the room. I commanded him to squeeze my hand. For two months he had not moved his fingers, but today he moved them – just a little! Alina broke out crying for joy. Then he squeezed with his other hand. The next day again the presence of God was felt in the room. Again there were commands to start moving his hands and legs, and again there were slight movements.
Jurek was released from the hospital before 2 weeks had passed from this incident. After another two weeks the doctors stated that his sickness has stopped progressing. At home he started gaining weight. He had been only a skeleton, but now the body mass was returning. Not only that, but he regained his basic body functions and was able to control urine and bowel movements. Then after another week they confirmed that his sickness is retreating. He also started moving his legs and hips, fingers and neck. Although he can not speak he communicates through blinking at letters shown on an alphabet chart to form words and sentences. Now little by little they are turning off the respirator to cause his lungs to start working for themselves. Although he can move some of his limbs, they are not strong enough for him to sit, stand, hold something, etc. Unfortunately, his process of regression ceased a month ago.
The Lord prompted the hearts of many Polish believers to not only pray for the Wasilewski’s, but also help carry the enormous medical costs which are not covered by any insurance.
Pastor Jurek currently is of good health mentally and spiritually and is full of faith and hope. Alina is very tired and discouraged at the moment and very much needs your prayers. Pray that the plans of the Lord would prevail and that Jurek would return to full health.
Labels: Pastor Jurek
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