Since I last wrote Pastor Jurek’s heath has rapidly decreased. He lost a lot of weight, almost every muscle in his body disappeared and he lost control over his entire body. The only thing he could move was his his eyelids. He lost control over the basic functions of his body requiring the insertion of a feeding tube, urinary tube, etc. In June he was in the hospital for observation when his heart suddenly stopped beating. The doctors reanimated him but he did not regain conciseness. They told his wife Alina that he most likely won’t wake up and may not survive the night. She called me that evening and I drove through the night to get to Szczecin in the morning. To the doctor’s surprise he awoke. Since the breathing tube that they placed down his throat was causing a lot of difficulty, they decided to do a tracheotomy and attach him to a respirator. There was a probability that he would not survive the operation in his very weak state.
Three days later they performed the operation and two hours later he woke up. As I prayed for him later that day I felt such a presence and power of God in the room. I commanded him to squeeze my hand. For two months he had not moved his fingers, but today he moved them – just a little! Alina broke out crying for joy. Then he squeezed with his other hand. The next day again the presence of God was felt in the room. Again there were commands to start moving his hands and legs, and again there were slight movements.
Jurek was released from the hospital before 2 weeks had passed from this incident. After another two weeks the doctors stated that his sickness has stopped progressing. At home he started gaining weight. He had been only a skeleton, but now the body mass was returning. Not only that, but he regained his basic body functions and was able to control urine and bowel movements. Then after another week they confirmed that his sickness is retreating. He also started moving his legs and hips, fingers and neck. Although he can not speak he communicates through blinking at letters shown on an alphabet chart to form words and sentences. Now little by little they are turning off the respirator to cause his lungs to start working for themselves. Although he can move some of his limbs, they are not strong enough for him to sit, stand, hold something, etc. Unfortunately, his process of regression ceased a month ago.
The Lord prompted the hearts of many Polish believers to not only pray for the Wasilewski’s, but also help carry the enormous medical costs which are not covered by any insurance.
Pastor Jurek currently is of good health mentally and spiritually and is full of faith and hope. Alina is very tired and discouraged at the moment and very much needs your prayers. Pray that the plans of the Lord would prevail and that Jurek would return to full health.