Saturday, May 2, 2009

End Times seminar

In Szczecin I led a 2 day seminar on the end times. I covered topics such as the Revived Roman Empire, the Antichrist, the mark of the Beast, the 70 “weeks” of Daniel, the 144,000 witnesses, the Two witnesses and the Millennium. The church in Szczecin placed posters around the city for the event, and the meetings were well attended with a number of people from outside the church. After the last session I had an alter call and two new people gave their lives to God for the first time. One man who converted was a known hooligan from the city! Three months earlier another revival gang member converted in their church, and when he saw this man enter the meetings he wanted to kill him. Nevertheless, he fought off the desire and instead prayed for his conversion. Praise God. Now there are 2 converted thugs in their church!

Christ for the Nations Bible School

Since I wrote last I finished my courses on false religions and cults, Old Testament history, and faith. I have also finished a stewardship class and a class on the books of Daniel and Revelation, going through them verse by verse. There are a total of 32 teaching that were made into a 2 set CD pictured here. Next week I begin a course on the minor prophets, going over 12 books with the second year students. A few months ago we had an enjoyable time with Mr. Same, chairman of the Jewish community in our region. We had a lot of guests at his lectures at the school. We were able to start a good relationship and look forward to helping the Jewish community here. Not many Jews are left, as 6 million were murdered during world war 2, mainly on Polish soil by Nazis. I have also been asked to take over the promotion of the Christ for the Nations, looking for sponsors and new students. If you would like to attend the school, be involved in missions or would like to support the school in any way, please contact me. More information about the school can be found on the web site at

Debt seminar

The church in Kętrzyn organized two seminars in March and April in the series: “Your finances in uncertain times”. Pictured here is one of the 500 posters that were placed around the city. At the first meeting which, was in the cinema, the director from the city’s social services came to get information on how to help their citizens in debt. She was very grateful. Also local television was there filming for a TV program. After the seminar they did an interview with me.

The second meeting was held in the city hall. It combined a seminar and workshop time in calculating income, expenses and how to get out of debt. The participants were very grateful and many comments I heard went along the lines of: “I never heard such things before. I wish I knew that earlier, etc.”. Intertwined in the seminar I gave verses from the Bible and biblical wisdom. The goal was not only to help people financially, but lead them to seek God. Both seminars are being prepared as a DVD to pass out free to people in Kętrzyn.

Church plant in Kętrzyn

While I was in Kętrzyn for the financial seminar I visited the new church plant led by pastor Arek and his wife Jagoda. They have about 8 people in their church and a big heart for people. Their church at the moment is comprised of people that have had serious life problems. They have asked me to make a commitment this year to visit them regularly, and it is a joy for me to help them. Kętrzyn is about a 4 hour drive from my house. We decided that every time that I am there we would organize something for the people of the city. For now it will be financial seminars for the city. This past time that I was here they held their meeting in the Baptist church, and people from both churches came. After the service there was a time of ministry. On man there asked me if he made the right decision in his life. He recently converted and his wife gave him the alternative – either God or me. He chose God and his wife left him. Pray for his strength and commitment to follow the Lord.

Preaching in Gdynia

On the weekends when I am in Gdynia I am often preaching in the Pentecostal church. Recently as I stepped up to the pulpit the Lord lead me to change the topic and preach on something I had not prepared. As a result two people gave their lives to God. One of them was Mariusz, a man I have known for a few years. His wife converted a few months ago, and now it was his turn. He told me that while I preached everything about the gospel become so clear for him. In addition, I have preached in the Church of Christ in Gdynia, taking along with me students from the Bible school. In Gdansk at the church “Army of David” I spoke on the dangers of falling in debt. They filmed the meeting to use as a DVD later.

Translation of TV programs

The Polish television studio “Everything is Possible” asked me to translate their programs into English to be transmitted on cable TV in the USA. The programs are about 50 minutes long and are usually in the form of an interview about someone’s life that was changed when they met Jesus.


Twice in the past few months I was asked to speak at the Baptist church in Wegorzewo. They are a small fellowship made up of former drug addicts and alcoholics. Their pastor was also a drug addict and heavily involved in the occult until Jesus set him free. He is planning for me to return in the summer to do a crusade in the city and prayer for the sick. They rent a small chapel from the Lutheran church pictured here.

Karolina Dean

Karolina for a number of months now has had headaches. She has been once now in the hospital. We have seen a number of doctors and have preformed some tests. We have not found the cause of her headaches so far. Please pray for her healing and /or the uncovering of the source of these headaches so that she can be free from pain.

Pastor Jurek update – good news!

Since I wrote last Pastor Jurek’s condition retreated to where he had been over a year ago. He again lost all movement in every muscle in his body, only being able to blink his eyes. He had not spoken now for a number of years, and is on a full respiratory system for his lungs are not working. Well, about 6 weeks ago, through a long line of events, his wife performed a test to see if he had Lyme disease, (borreliosis). The tests came back positive and therefore rule out the possibility of having ALS. This is treatable, but nothing is known about a person who starts treatment is such a late stage as pastor Jurek, where is he hanging on to life. The hospital will not accept him for treatment, for they are afraid he will die. Alina is treating him at home with 3 hired nurses giving him very strong doses of 4 antibiotics straight into the heart by a special tube. This is very dangerous, for the least air bubble could immediately kill him, but there is no other way. He has been on the treatment now for 1 month and has shown improvements. He can hold his head up, has use of facial muscles and has started to move again his fingers. He will now be on a 1 month break (for he can not receive antibiotics non-stop) and then on them again for 1 month. The doctors do not know to what degree he will recover. Praise God that he has treatment and please pray for a total recovery.