Since I wrote last Pastor Jurek’s condition retreated to where he had been over a year ago. He again lost all movement in every muscle in his body, only being able to blink his eyes. He had not spoken now for a number of years, and is on a full respiratory system for his lungs are not working. Well, about 6 weeks ago, through a long line of events, his wife performed a test to see if he had Lyme disease, (borreliosis). The tests came back positive and therefore rule out the possibility of having ALS. This is treatable, but nothing is known about a person who starts treatment is such a late stage as pastor Jurek, where is he hanging on to life. The hospital will not accept him for treatment, for they are afraid he will die. Alina is treating him at home with 3 hired nurses giving him very strong doses of 4 antibiotics straight into the heart by a special tube. This is very dangerous, for the least air bubble could immediately kill him, but there is no other way. He has been on the treatment now for 1 month and has shown improvements. He can hold his head up, has use of facial muscles and has started to move again his fingers. He will now be on a 1 month break (for he can not receive antibiotics non-stop) and then on them again for 1 month. The doctors do not know to what degree he will recover. Praise God that he has treatment and please pray for a total recovery.