A total of 10 students graduated from Christ for the Nations Bible School this year. Most of them will be returning to their home churches and will be involved in ministry there. With the end of the school year also many changes have occurred. The directors, Denis & Linda Sheehan have stepped down from their position to have more time to travel and do other things that the Lord has called them to. They will still remain at the school and serve as vice-directors. The new director, Pastor Krzysztof Majdłyo has an expanded vision to take the school to a new level. Many years ago I had spent a lot of time with Krzysztof as he was just getting starting in ministry and looked for support and encouragement. It is good to see him in this new role. I had earlier resigned from my position as vice-superintendant of the Christian Church of Evangelical Faith and recommended him as my replacement. This tear at the school we also said goodbye to Bob & Joy Rdzak. They served as missionaries in Poland and Bob taught at the school for a number of years. With a great lack of teachers, Krzysztof has asked me to take over a number of courses, and at the moment I am the only permanent teacher. Up until now all the lecturers have been volunteers. Krzysztof has a desire to change that and will be looking for a way to generate finances not just for the operations, but also for salaries. Please pray for new doors of opportunities in this area. Pictured here are the 2008 school graduates with the directors of the school.