In Gdynia I was preaching on the topic of personal spiritual revival and the need to grow closer to the Lord. The anointing could be felt and then seen as people responded to the message. I had received words of knowledge regarding people that had problems with depression, discouragement and fear. Many came forward for prayer and the Lord set people free. Many people fell under the presence of the Lord. One woman in her mid sixties came forward. She has been on depression medication for 27 years, has had extreme fears for over 10 years, had difficulty walking and was a member of 3 false regions that covered the entire span of her life. After explaining the gospel she gave her life to the Lord. She wanted to be free from her cultic past and agreed to give me all her books with false teaching for burning. One week later we met to burn them. Not only did the Lord change her heart that she was willing to completely break with the past, but during the service she started to dance, shared with me that since last Sunday she has not taken any medication for depression and she walked without her cane much better. Here is a picture of our book burning party with Asia and Gosia tearing up the books to burn.