I was invited to the northeast of Poland to conduct a seminar on deliverance for a church that had various people attending who needed to be set free from demonic influence. I took with me students from the Bible school to help me minister. Lectures included: “The ministry of Jesus” “Our authority as believers”, “How to minister to those needing deliverance”, “Open doors for demonic influence”. At the meeting were a number of people who needed to be set free. Some of the problems that led to bondage in various people were drug use, alcohol abuse, homosexual behavior, depression, lust and a boy who practiced vampirism – drinking blood from victims that he drugged. The ministry time was very powerful as demons submitted to commands given in the name of Jesus. The next day people gave testimonies of how God had freed them the previous day. Pictured here is Pastor Arek and his family.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Deliverance seminar in Kętrzyn
Labels: healing and delieverence