Recently a pastor asked me if I could give everyone an update on our finances. Last November I announced our need of 75 supporters who would pledge a $22/month gift. Such an amount last year would enable us to be in full time ministry without having to also work secularly full time. Initially 9 families / persons responded. Later this amount increased to 13 supporters, and within the last 5 months 2 other supporters have joined to make the total amount of supporters 15 who give at least $22/month. A few of supporters are giving more as they are able. On average, over the past 4 months our financial support wavers between $400 – 600/month, which is about 1/3 of the basic amount that we need. We are very grateful to the Lord for those who have sacrificed in this way to allow us to minister at the school and travel to various churches. For those that request, we will send a detailed financial report. As the end of the year approaches, could you consider …
1. Making a year end tax deductible gift. For your gift to be tax deductible, it needs to be sent to the church address listed below.
2. Joining our team of financial supporters. Any amount is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your prayers and support.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Financial update
Labels: finances