Thursday, May 19, 2011

Christian Businessmen’s Fellowship

In February after a lot of planning, talking with Christian businessmen and preparing the overall vision I started a Christian Businessmen’s Fellowship. The vision is to create a place where Christian business people can meet together, encourage one another, be informed of and use each other’s services, share experiences and challenges, receive godly teaching on business and finances, grow together in their faith and invite employees, clients and suppliers into a godly business atmosphere to be exposed to the gospel.

Our first meeting was held in a restaurant for breakfast in Gdynia and attended by 32 business people. Aside from sharing breakfast together, I taught on using finances for the building of God’s kingdom, and a lawyer taught on how to prevent being taken advantageous of by unreliable clients. There was also a time of worship and prayer for one another. At our second meeting at a café in Gdansk we had coffee while I taught on keys to running a godly business. It was attended by 27 people.

After the first 2 meeting about 12 people who did not know each earlier contracted the services of another brother or sister. People wrote emails such as:- Great idea worthy of imitation in other cities.

- The meeting was very good and needed.
- I really liked and highly benefited from the legal advice of which I had no idea.
- It was a super event. I love it.
- I prayed for a long business about meetings related to the Kingdom of God.

- I am glad that I could be here today among God's people and I cannot wait for the next meeting