Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas & New Year’s greetings

Christmas is always a time to reflect upon our lives and consider why Jesus came to earth and how do we announce to the world around us the “good news of great joy that will be for all the people” (Luke 2:10). We need to heed the words of the angel to “not be afraid”. May the Lord open many doors for us to share the “good news of great joy” of God’s love. We wish you all the best for the coming year.

Deliverance seminar in Kętrzyn

I was invited to the northeast of Poland to conduct a seminar on deliverance for a church that had various people attending who needed to be set free from demonic influence. I took with me students from the Bible school to help me minister. Lectures included: “The ministry of Jesus” “Our authority as believers”, “How to minister to those needing deliverance”, “Open doors for demonic influence”. At the meeting were a number of people who needed to be set free. Some of the problems that led to bondage in various people were drug use, alcohol abuse, homosexual behavior, depression, lust and a boy who practiced vampirism – drinking blood from victims that he drugged. The ministry time was very powerful as demons submitted to commands given in the name of Jesus. The next day people gave testimonies of how God had freed them the previous day. Pictured here is Pastor Arek and his family.

Financial teaching in Starogard Gdanski, Kielce, Gdynia

Based on the financial seminar presentation that I had prepared earlier using power point, I spoke in a few churches many on the topics of debt, credit cards, borrowing money, loans, buying on rates and credit, etc. Debt is one of the ways that the devil keeps us infective in our ministry for the Lord. A person in debt is a slave to the lender. Instead of trusting God to meet needs, many trust in a bank / family / friends / credit card to meet their greeds. I believe that when we are in need and we go to a bank / institution / person to meet those needs, that many times we rob God of an opportunity to perform a financial miracle for us.

New classes at the Bible School

With the new semester, I am teaching some courses for the first time at the school. Right now I am only teaching the first year students (7 women and one man). One course is Old Testament history, teaching the 12 books from Joshua to Esther. This is a challenge for the students and myself also, for there is on average only 3 lectures designated to each of the books. I just finished also teaching a class on faith, challenging students to overcome all the giants that they have faced or will face in life. I have just also started a class on false religions and cults, teaching the students the most important differences as compared to Christianity, how to witness to them, how to discern when a true church starts to turn down the path of a cult. I have invited as a guest speaker next month the head of the Jewish community to speak as we are studying various religions. We hope that by doing so we will also understand deeper our Jewish roots and initiate an ongoing cooperation with the small Jewish community here. The chairman of the Jewish community (for they do not have a rabbi yet) is pleased to come and invited me to be at the Hanukkah celebration this week. It was an honor to attend and to meet both him, and one of the head rabbis from Warsaw.
Please pray for the school’s financing, as the amount of student fees do not cover the basic costs of maintaining our building at the moment.

End Times seminars planned for next year

There is a growing interest in learning about the end times in Poland, and as one who has taught courses on the books of Daniel and Revelation for the past 4 years at the Bible school, I have been asked if I can condense the teaching (36 hours) into a 2 day seminar. In the spring of 2009 there are plans to do seminars in Gdynia and Szczecin.

Renata’s new ministry

Renata felt that she should pass on most of her responsibilities at the Bible school to a new employee and was looking forward to what the Lord had next. It did not take long until Pastor Michal from the church were we attend asked if she can be the church administrator. Renata agreed to fulfill this need and will be taking care of all the administrational duties of the church.

Karolina, Asia & Gosia

Karolina serves now on the worship team at the church as one of the singers. It requires some discipline to attend practices during the week and get up very early Sunday to be at church for another time of practice and prayer. This though is something that she has been looking forward to for some time, and now finally is able to be on the team. Asia and Gosia continue to also be active in worship at the church and during the worship evenings at the Bible school. You can find them in the front worshipping the Lord with flags. Recently all three were involved in a presentation in the church of the 5 foolish and 5 wise virgins, and in the Christmas program. We are very glad that our children enjoy church and being involved in whatever way that they can.

Financial update

Recently a pastor asked me if I could give everyone an update on our finances. Last November I announced our need of 75 supporters who would pledge a $22/month gift. Such an amount last year would enable us to be in full time ministry without having to also work secularly full time. Initially 9 families / persons responded. Later this amount increased to 13 supporters, and within the last 5 months 2 other supporters have joined to make the total amount of supporters 15 who give at least $22/month. A few of supporters are giving more as they are able. On average, over the past 4 months our financial support wavers between $400 – 600/month, which is about 1/3 of the basic amount that we need. We are very grateful to the Lord for those who have sacrificed in this way to allow us to minister at the school and travel to various churches. For those that request, we will send a detailed financial report. As the end of the year approaches, could you consider …
1. Making a year end tax deductible gift. For your gift to be tax deductible, it needs to be sent to the church address listed below.
2. Joining our team of financial supporters. Any amount is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your prayers and support.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Financial seminar in Inowroclaw

For the first time I traveled together with pastor Michal from the Pentecostal church in Gdynia to the city of Inowroclaw. There we together conducted a financial seminar. It was the first time that I had put together a teaching presentation in power point for putting up on screen. I had two presentations on managing personal finances with a special emphasis on not getting into debt ,the use of credit cards, budgeting, tithing, giving, stewardship, looking for ways to cut costs, etc. I had a third session later encouraging people to start their own businesses and all the practical and spiritual aspects accompanying it. Afterwards a number of people came to talk. One brother will be sending me his business plan for me to comment on, another sister has stories that she has written and would like to publish, and a pastor from a nearby church who would like me to also visit his church and minister there.

Teaching and ministry in Gdynia

When we are at home we attend Ecclesia – a local Pentecostal church in Gdynia. More often I am invited to minister Sunday mornings. Recently I have spoken on “The gift of God – salvation”, “Overcoming temptation”, “Spiritual revival”, “The baptism of the Holy Spirit”, “Faith and overcoming fear” and I plan to do a series on “Man’s most dangerous weapon – the tongue”. Twice now I have also been asked to have a sermon for the children – for me it was a small challenge to preach to children for I am not accustomed to it. Also I was asked to share my testimony at the children’s club that the church runs for the neighborhood kids. The most difficult ministry though was conducting the funeral of a friend of mine Janusz who had his 4th heart attack. He went on to be with the Lord Jesus after a time of being in and out of the hospital. I gave a gospel message at the chapel knowing that most of his family are not believers. I knew almost his entire family and used the opportunity to share the message of hope with them. Again later at the grave they heard about the hope the we have in Christ. Two weeks later his youngest daughter Gosia (who is married) gave her life to the lord and has started attending the church. Her husband is an atheist, but he had also come a few times now. She is making friends with people in the church. Janusz’s wife Regina was devastated at her husband’s death, but her faith in God remains strong as she ministers in the worship team.

Home group in Gdynia

Ever since coming to Poland we have led various house groups. The most recent one meets at a family orphanage. Our friends have 4 of their own biological children and 6 other children that they care for. Also attending the house group regularly is another couple and one man. From time to time other guests also come. Picture here are some of the people we meet with every Friday night.

Ministry in Cracow

For the first time since I have been in Poland I was able to preach in Cracow. I had ministered on the street here when I first came to Poland doing street evangelism, but I did not yet back them know of any churches. I spoke on putting everything you have into Jesus’ hands. The message was very well received as many came forward to rededicate their lives to Christ and ask for prayer.

Sweden trip

We had an opportunity as a family to visit friends in Sweden – Zbyszek and Wiesza who came here from Poland 2 years ago. We spent time visiting one of the largest churches in Poland – Word of Life with pastor Ulf Ekman in Uppsala. Our friends are part of the Polish speaking group in his church numbering about 30 people. We had an opportunity to meet many of them and to minister to a few of them. I meet with the person in charge of the Polish section a few times and was asked for help if I would be willing to come from time to time and help them. I have tentative plans to come in May next year. Picture are some of our Polish friends in Sweden.

Update on Pastor Jurek

On behalf of Jurek and his wife Alina, we would like to thank all of you who have been faithfully praying for him. As most of you know pastor Jurek has been fighting with ALS disease for the past few years. His disease started to regress and he regained a lot of strength and abilities that he had lost. Unfortunate his recovery has stood in place now since about March this year – he has neither improved, but neither has his condition grown worse. Please keep him in prayer. Although no one has ever recovered from ALS, our God is a mighty miracle working God who can do whatever He pleases.

This summer was action packed. Our daughter Karolina who is 13 decided to be baptized! As a family we visited friends in Kutno for a day, then we went south to Cracow for 5 days, visiting some of the historic Jewish sites. Then we went to the southern Polish border and visited Zakopane and the Polish mountains. From there headed west and to the concentration camp in Oswiecim where millions of Jews lost their lives. Traveling further south to Wroclaw we stayed with Renata’s parents for a number of days. From there we went to Swieradow Zdroj which borders with the Czech republic to be with friends in the Polish mountains. After returning home the kids enjoyed a week together at a Christian camp. Finally we spent 9 days in Sweden and had a wonderful time with friends before returning home 2 days before school started. Pictured here is Karolina at her baptism.

Barnabas Ministry Website

Over the past few months our mission’s web site has attracted lots of new people from all over the world. Some of the most recent people who wrote to us included: a pastor from Pakistan who asked for us to pray for him and his church, a Christian organization in Israel looking for mission information on Poland, a brother from Australia asking for church addresses for a new convert, a brother from Venezuela who wants to come as a missionary to Poland and asks for our assistance, a sister from the USA whose family was from here and would like to do missions work in Poland, and also a brother from the USA who is a Christian recording artist would like to visit Poland and see also where is family originated from. I am hoping to help organize missions trips for these last two people. If you also felt on your heart to do short or long term missions – please write.

New school year 2008 / 2009

Christ for the Nations Bible school has started the new school year. I’ve been asked to teach on first and second Corinthians. Renata has turned over 90% of her responsibility to a new employee so that she can be home now more with our kids. There are major changes in the school with a number of new people – a new secretary, worship leader, 2 new translators and a public relations person to promote the school.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Lifetime cult member gives her life to Christ

In Gdynia I was preaching on the topic of personal spiritual revival and the need to grow closer to the Lord. The anointing could be felt and then seen as people responded to the message. I had received words of knowledge regarding people that had problems with depression, discouragement and fear. Many came forward for prayer and the Lord set people free. Many people fell under the presence of the Lord. One woman in her mid sixties came forward. She has been on depression medication for 27 years, has had extreme fears for over 10 years, had difficulty walking and was a member of 3 false regions that covered the entire span of her life. After explaining the gospel she gave her life to the Lord. She wanted to be free from her cultic past and agreed to give me all her books with false teaching for burning. One week later we met to burn them. Not only did the Lord change her heart that she was willing to completely break with the past, but during the service she started to dance, shared with me that since last Sunday she has not taken any medication for depression and she walked without her cane much better. Here is a picture of our book burning party with Asia and Gosia tearing up the books to burn.

Bible School Graduation

A total of 10 students graduated from Christ for the Nations Bible School this year. Most of them will be returning to their home churches and will be involved in ministry there. With the end of the school year also many changes have occurred. The directors, Denis & Linda Sheehan have stepped down from their position to have more time to travel and do other things that the Lord has called them to. They will still remain at the school and serve as vice-directors. The new director, Pastor Krzysztof Majdłyo has an expanded vision to take the school to a new level. Many years ago I had spent a lot of time with Krzysztof as he was just getting starting in ministry and looked for support and encouragement. It is good to see him in this new role. I had earlier resigned from my position as vice-superintendant of the Christian Church of Evangelical Faith and recommended him as my replacement. This tear at the school we also said goodbye to Bob & Joy Rdzak. They served as missionaries in Poland and Bob taught at the school for a number of years. With a great lack of teachers, Krzysztof has asked me to take over a number of courses, and at the moment I am the only permanent teacher. Up until now all the lecturers have been volunteers. Krzysztof has a desire to change that and will be looking for a way to generate finances not just for the operations, but also for salaries. Please pray for new doors of opportunities in this area. Pictured here are the 2008 school graduates with the directors of the school.

A month of prophecies that are being fulfilled

Renata and I were recently overwhelmed during an intense 30 period from April 10th to May 10th. We had a total of 7 international ministers, 6 of which are known as prophets, give us prophetic words regarding many spheres of our lives. Some of them accurately spoke to situations in the past. In addition also a Polish sister gave me a prophetic word. What is amazing is that all these people said the same things and used even some of the same wordings. All of the messages were recorded and we have written transcripts of them to prayer over, discern and judge.

One word that came to pass starting the very next day was a word to Renata about an intense time of counseling, especially over the telephone. We had a Polish woman whom we have never met calling from Holland seeking help. Both her had her husband are believers but have lives that are in a mess. Renata has talked and emailed with her much, and her and her husband are both planning to come personally for counseling in a few months. A second Polish sister was also calling from Holland with other problems. Then a Polish sister in England asked for us to help counsel her friend who had just converted and Renata was able to meet with her personally. A woman from southwest Poland called desperately seeking prayer and help. Also someone we never met. The Lord also sent a few people that look to Renata for counsel and prayer who we know.

As the Lord leads I will share other prophetic words that were spoken over us.

Another salvation

Our daughter Asia has made friends with a new girl in her class. After meeting the parents we struck up a friendship with them. They have gone through many difficult situations where they have been lied to, stolen from and cheated. First we were able to minister to the wife Brigida and then her husband Mirek. Recently while meeting with Mirek I felt that today is the day of his salvation and after explaining the gospel, he himself was asking how he can give his life to God, and then he did so. They have many financial problems and we are helping them not only with counseling, but also in practical ways with helping pay their bills and food.

Mercy ministry through food deliveries

Our ministry, the Barnabas Ministry, has started partnering with a food bank that is about 1 hour from here to deliver food to very needy persons. At the moment we are helping 20 people with basic food needs. This includes flour, sugar, jam, milk, cereal, macaroni, cheese, butter, oatmeal, etc. Aside from the couple mentioned above, we also are helping Claudia and her sister; Henryk, a very poor retired person that converted about 10 years ago when I was preaching in the Gdynia train station; Renata’s uncle who is now by himself after the death of Renata’s grandfather; a woman with three children whose husband left her (Renata spends time with her) and another family that we have gotten to know a number of years ago and have shared the gospel with although they have not yet responded.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


In central Poland the church in Koło organized a 3 day healing seminar for the surrounding churches. Their hall was almost full for the entire 3 days. It was a time of teaching and equipping of the believers for service. There was also “hands-on” training and for many it was the very first time that they prayed for another person. Topics included: Why is there sickness?, Who can minister, The character of the believer, Understanding the believer’s authority, Ministry model, Physical healing, Healing of emotional wounds. Pastor Julian is planning for me to return to conduct a financial seminar and also a conference on the end times. At the left is a picture of Pastor Julian and his family.


Pastor Jerzy in Kutno asked if I could minister in his church recently. Although his leads very small church, he is very active in evangelizing the surrounding towns and villages, from which other small churches have now been established. The last time that I as there was about 7 years ago. The pastor also invited pastors from the surrounding churches with their wives. I talked about the need of forgiveness towards those that have hurt us. The Lord was present and many were crying and seeking healing. It was a very powerful time.


We had a wonderful healing seminar in Szczecin. About 40 people came for the two days to learn about how to pray for the sick. There were 7 teaching sessions similar to as in Koło and a practical time for the participants to pray and minister to others. For many this was their first time to pray for the sick. God confirmed His Word and a number of people gave testimonies of how they were healed. Others shared about receiving a word from the Lord regarding a specific situation. Praise God for all that He done there.


Pastor Andrzej is both the pastor of the church in Kielce and the superintendent of the Churches of Christian Faith in Poland where I served as vice-superintendent for 5 years. I felt led to speak on the mission & ministry of Jesus and how we are now to take over both His mission & ministry to teach, preach the Kingdom of God and heal the sick. There was an alter call and one 8 year old boy gave his life to the Lord. About 30 people re-dedicated their lives to the Lord. I also prayed for the sick along with the elders of the church. About 25 people requested prayer and God was touching people. A number of prophetic words and words of knowledge were given. A number of people were crying and some I believe were really changed.


I have been invited to the capitol of Moldovia to minister for one week in a small very poor church there. It is very much in my heart to go. It is one of the poorest countries in Eastern Europe, with most people living on less than $100 / month. If it is the Lord’s will, please pray for the necessary paperwork with visas and transportation. Flights are very expensive. It is a 2 day train ride one way, and also a 2 day drive by car which can be more difficult with long lines at the borders and corrupted border guards. My friend Wojciech Borys organizes financial and food aid to the churches there.


In Greblin there is no church, but there is a group of almost 10 people that meet in a small apartment. The wife of the man who leads the group was healed of very serious heart problems 10 years ago through believing the prophetic word that I had given to her in the hospital many years ago. They are the only believers in this village which is about 1.5 hours from our home.


Pastor Jurek’s recovery is going much slower than expected. Although the sickness has regressed and there are no signs of it, Jurek is still very weak. He still has a breathing tube. Although he can breathe for 6-8 hours on his own, his lungs are still not strong enough to be completely free from the respirator. His therapist comes every day to work with him. The 2 most important matters now are for Jurek to be determined in exercise and rehabilitation and to overcome fear connected with the removal of the breathing tube. Please keep praying for a complete recovery.


The court has decided that Klaudia will live with her older sister who has found a steady job. The city of Gdynia also gave them a 2 room apartment to live in, and they will be moving in a few months after it is remodeled. The apartment is right next to the church where we are attending. Praise God that this difficult situation has a good ending. Pray for a greater openness for them both to receive the Lord.


Renata’s closest family members are having health difficulties. Her grandfather who is 94 is very weak and has not been able to leave his bed since December. He lives in Gdynia with his son who takes care of him. I am often there to help him change the diapers, feed and give him medications. He is suffering and in much pain. Unfortunately he has not accepted Jesus as his savior. I have shared the gospel with him but he has not responded. Renata’s mom is also in pain and suffering from arthritis and pains in her joints. Renata’s dad who is 74 also is having health problems with digestion, back problems and other disorders. They too do not know the Lord and have been closed to making Jesus their Lord. Please pray not only for healing, relief from suffering but more important their eternal state and the desire to turn to the Lord.


Since the need was made know that 75 supporters are needed who would pledge a $22/month, 13 people now have made such a commitment. We still need 62 people who would be willing to support our mission work in Poland. This is not a large sum for most people, but without your help we are very limited in what we can do. If you are not supporting a missionary, please consider supporting our work. We would really appreciate it, and by doing so you become a partner with us in the work that we are doing in Poland.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Recently I have seen an incredible amount of people that have been instantly healed. Each person has their own story to tell, but I will just limit the details here to the minimum.

  • A woman with severe kidney pains who had been in the hospital did not move about because of the pain. After commanding the pain to leave she was up and moving about, praising God that all the pain left.
  • A man who had back problems for 17 years and has undergone a number of surgeries was in severe pain, and simple things like getting out of a chair were a struggle. Although he was scheduled for more surgery, he was set free and the next day started traveling to the nearby towns sharing the gospel. He called sometime later to confirm that he is still healed.
  • Two people with ringing in their ears were immediately healed.
  • A woman with back pains, a pain in her left elbow and problems making a fist with her left hand was instantly healed.
  • A man named Jacek in Gdynia told me that he would really like to see the sick healed. I called him forward after my message and asked anyone sick to come forward and that Jacek would pray for them. The first person that he prayed for with back problems was healed. The woman got up and started telling the church how she was no longer in pain. When I saw Jacek again, I asked the pastor to bring the sick over and he prayed for another woman who also was healed instantly.
  • While in the USA I conducted a short training for a group of people from the Danver’s Baptist church. They then spilt into 2 groups to minister to the sick. In the group that I lead there were three people that needed healing who were instantly healed of various problems. The second group also reported how God was touching people.


I spoke recently at Pastor Jurek’s church on healing. While a was preaching a man with back pains and wearing a back support came up to me before I finished and wanted to tell the church how the power of God fell on him during the preaching and that he is healed. Right there he took off the back support. I then called for everyone with back pains to come forward. A group of 10 people were healed of back problems, 6 of them instantly. Some of them recorded their testimonies on DVD as a testimony for others. I then had them pray for another group of 15 people who had other types of pains and sicknesses. From that group a number were healed instantly of various problems, testifying before the entire church how the Lord healed them.


Pastor Jurek is getting stronger little by little everyday. With the help of his physical therapist he is able to walk from his room to the kitchen, through the dining room and back to his room making a complete circle 4 times in a row. The therapist estimates that Jurek will be walking by himself in April. The doctors say that the respirator can be removed at any time, for the lungs are fully operable. Once the breathing tube is removed, they expect that he will be able to speak. They could then also remove the feeding tube and he can start eating normally again. Who has ever heard of someone being healed of ALS? Nothing is impossible for God! There is still a very long road of recovery at this rate, and pastor Jurek’s hands and arms are still very, very weak – but the sickness is regressing and everything is returning to normal functioning. Praise God!


I am convinced that God wants to use everyone in bringing healing to the sick.
There are many reasons why we don’t see healing – we are unaware of our authority, we are afraid, we don’t know how to minister to the sick. I believe that God wants to pour out His healing power to draw people to Himself.

February 2nd I am organizing a one day seminar in Szczecin for training people in how to minister healing to the sick. Besides from lectures there will also be a “hands on” trading period. Please pray that this will be well attended and that an army of disciples will be released to minister to the sick.


That is the name of a new website that I am putting together. It will deal will issues that concern Catholics. I have placed two articles there for now. One is in in-depth study on Mary the mother of Jesus and what exactly the Bible says and does not say about her. The other article is an in-depth study on water baptism. Both of these topics are incorrectly understood by Catholics. My desire is to help Catholics and others to understand what the Bible has to say, instead of blindly following traditions and the teachings of men. You can read both articles at:
Please pass on this information to your family and friends.